

We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your ecology needs. These range from Phase 1 Preliminary Ecological Appraisals to detailed Phase 2 survey work for protected species.  
Bat Survey
We undertake preliminary assessment of potential bat roost sites within buildings & trees, according to Bat Conservation Trust best practice guidelines. Further Phase 2 surveys are completed as necessary pending the findings of these initial inspections. Where bats are found to be present, suitable mitigation is recommended and any Natural England licence for work is produced.
Reptile Survey
Where development work may affect protected reptile species, we carry out initial assessment of habitat suitability for likely reptile presence, followed by Phase 2 surveys to establish those species present and their numbers. Reptile surveys typically involve 7 site visits to check artificial refugia for reptile presence and can be undertaken between April & October.
 Dormouse Survey
Habitat assessments for dormouse presence are undertaken, examining habitat quality and any field signs of dormouse presence, such as gnawed hazelnuts. Where the potential for dormouse presence is identified, Phase 2 nest tube surveys are carried out by our licenced ecologists and appropriate mitigation plans and licences are produced.

Bird Survey

If required, overwintering bird surveys and breeding bird surveys can be carried out by our experienced surveyors.

Great Crested Newt Survey

Habitat suitability assessments are undertaken for great crested newt presence. If necessary, Phase 2 surveys are carried out by our licenced ecologists and suitable mitigation and protected species licences for development work are produced. GCN survey work can typically be carried out between mid-March and June.


Where habitas are identified which may have significant botanical value, further vegetation surveys can be carried out to establish those species present and the botanical value of these.
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